Together, to be stronger

UNISA, the association of Italian steel hot forging companies, was founded in 1963, as a free gathering between companies that operate in the steel forging, both on the national territory and abroad.

It also welcomes all those who work in the supply chain with forging companies, as partners or suppliers that contribute to the development of the entire production process.

The main objective of UNISA is to promote the development and progress of the iron and steel industries and related industries, through the confrontation between the member companies and with actions that place growth at the center:

  • Promotion of the interests of the associates on the markets and towards the stakeholders
  • Surveys and market analysis (energy costs, raw materials)
  • Promotion of the companies’ technological improvement
  • Promotion of scientific research and experimentation in the steel industry
  • Professional training of human resources
  • Promotion of technical-professional qualification and business specialization
  • Joint actions with other agencies and organizations in the field
  • Participation in national and international Associations.

Finally, UNISA is a member of EUROFORGE, an organization that brings together the European National Forging Associations and supports the relative common opportunities in the development of our sector.

Since 2015 UNISA has its headquarters at the Confindustria Canavese in Ivrea.

Associated companies and aggregates
Total employees
Tons of processed steel